
    Woven Works
    Installations & Public Art
    Design Objects

   Client Work

Artist Statement

My practice is part social commentary, part group therapy. I work across mediums to create craft-inspired woven sculptures, participatory public installations and functional objects that spotlight hidden histories in the American landscape. Integral to my practice is creating work with a public component and for the last few years, my work has been in conversation with notions of political power in America through my projects on public art and monuments, cultural memory, and migration.  My work initiates participatory research, advocates for awareness and crowd sources materials, making the public active producers of the work. Because of this, I like to think of my work as a social-sculpture, anchored by hand crafted physical objects and installations but deeply conceptual and communal by design.

My process begins with a lot of research; I often follow an idea into physical form which allows me to work in an interdisciplinary way. Then, I draw on my design training to select meaningful materials for best communicating the story I am trying to tell. Finally, to materialize the artwork, I build on my technical background in landscape architecture and love for hand-weaving to create sculptures, functional furniture and participatory public installations that are meant to shift culture.