
    Woven Works
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   Client Work


Social Practice, Advocacy, Augmented Reality
Dimensions vary
San Francisco, CA

In 2021, I led a public space and augmented reality workshop titled “Marble and Media: Digital Activations of Public Memory”

The workshop was inspired by my efforts with New Monuments Task Force. I co-led the artists workshop with New Media artist Camila Magrane. I created the conceptual framework for the 2 month artists workshop, empowering emerging artists in the Bay Area to use New Media tools to reckon with toppled monuments at a site of protest in San Francisco. The work we made in the workshop was presented as a “guerilla” public exhibition/AR Walking tour in Golden Gate Park’s Music Concourse.

Marble and Media is a six-week Zero1  creative laboratory utilizing new media to explore monuments and memorialization in public space.  

Workshop Participants: 
Kim Nucci 
Mae Ross
Hannah Scott
Jeff Enlow
CJ Manar Spears
Caleb Lightfoot
Paola de la Calle
Hena Muttreja

Learn More at Zero1

Workshop Artist Work: 

Hannah Scott, Speculative History

Mae Ross, This Land Before it Was Found

Kim Nucci, Verdi, Shrouded